Perjury Inquiry; Wal-mart; John Brown Anniversary
(14 Minutes) Perjury Inquiry The House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to expand its probe into Clinton-Gore fundraising. Meanwhile, the Federal Election Commission has ruled that President Clinton and Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole illegally used campaign funds for advertising in their 96 campaigns and must guve back millions of dollars to US taxpayers. GUEST: Don Simon, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Common Cause, a national civic organization that for the past few years has focused on campaign financing. GUEST: Gary Ruskin, from the Congressional Accountability Project. (36 Minutes) Wal-Mart In Sam We Trust -- The untold story of Sam Walton, and how Wal-Mart, the company he founded, is devouring America. Thousands will march against the company at its Arkansas headquarter. A conversation with GUEST: John Sweeney, head of the AFL-CIO. GUEST: Doug Dority, President of the United Food and commercial Workers International Union. GUEST: Bob Ortega, investigative reporter who covered Wal-Mart for the Wall Street Jouranal. Author of BOOK: IN SAM WE TRUST: THE UNTOLD STORY OF SAM WALTON AND HOW WAL-MART IS DEVOURING AMERICA (2 minutes) John Brown Anniversary A look at militant abolitionist John Brown who was executed on charges of treason, murder and insurrection in Charleston, Virginia. Letter from Brown's wife Mary is sung by Peggy Byres.