Impeachment-Studs Terkel; Multinational Monitor's 10 Worst Corporations of 1998; Chevron and Nigeria
(14 Minutes) Impeachment - Studs Terkel GUEST: Studs Terkel, the Pulitzer-winning author talks about impeachment. (20 Minutes) Multinational Monitor's 10 Worst Corporations of 1998 Multinational Monitor magazine reports that 1998 was a record year for corporate crime and abuse that includes death without justice, pollution, illness and an unrelenting attack on democracy. GUEST: Russell Mokhiber, editor, Corporate Crime Reporter. GUEST: Robert Weissman, editor, Multinational Monitor Magazine. (18 Minutes) Chevron and Nigeria Throughout the year, the Niger Delta has been the scene of conflict between local people and the oil multinationals. For the past few months, the Ijaw, the largest minority group in the Delta, have been protesting against Chevron, and demanding compensation for the destruction of their land. The government has declared and state of emergency. GUEST: Oronto Douglas, Environmental lawyer and founder of Environmental Rights Action. GUEST: Danny Kennedy, Director, Project Underground, human rights organization which specializes in supporting communities that are threatened by mining and oil operations.