Background Briefing : March 3 : Janet Aviad. Debra Evanson. Super Note

Program Title:
Background Briefing : March 3 : Janet Aviad. Debra Evanson. Super Note
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BACKGROUND BRIEFING : JANET AVIAD. DEBRA EVANSON. SUPER NOTE / Produced by Ian Masters. - CONTENT: pt.1. Janet Aviad, one of the founders of the group, Peace Now spoke from Jersusalem about the reaction to the latest bombing and how it will effect the peace process -- pt.2. Debra Evanson, a lawyer in Cuba who offers the reaction to the "brothers to the rescue" shootdown -- pt.3. Janetia Helker with G.A.D. and testified to Congress about the Super Note, a counterfeit $100 bill allegedly produced in Iran| discussion about the Iranian connections to the Super Note and whether or not it is state sponsored. - Broadcast March 4, 1996.

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