This is the third tape from the teach-in on El Salvador held at KPFK, Los Angeles, March 1981. This portion contains audience questions to the previous panel. Some local material. I.D. that can't be edited out. Needs intro only. Produced by Helene Rosenbluth, Clare Spark, and Marc Cooper.
r.1. Gloria Tierney of Amnesty International, Congressman Tony Bielenson, journalist John Dingus, Lou Wolf of the Covert Action Information Bulletin, Senatorial aid Chris Champerlain (54 min.). -- r.2. Professor Nancy Hollander, sociologist Carl Boggs, political scientist Bill Bollinger, Norma Chinchilla, Sister Margarite Navarro of the El Salvador Commission on Human Rights (79 min.). -- r.3. Audience questions (41 min.). -- r.4. Los Angeles community organizations for El Salvador (45 min.).