Collage of readings, speeches, and testimony on foreign and domestic espionage performed by the CIA. Part 1. Victor Marchetti discusses why he left the CIA and his criticisms of CIA activities (see <a href="fullrecord.php?arc=KZ0390" >KZ0390</a> )--Part 2. CIA director William Colby's 1975 testimony before the House Miliatary Appropriations Subcommittee regarding CIA files being kept on Americans--Part 3. John D. Marks, former State Department employee and co-Author of "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence" discusses CIA scandals--Part 4. Bella Abzug talks about the CIA's illegal activities, including collecting information about Americans--Part 5. Reading from Philip Agee's book "Inside the Company: CIA Diary" about his work with the CIA, and the CIA's sabotage of the Allende government. Broadcast on KPFK in 1975.
pt.1. Victor Marchetti on leaving the CIA. -- pt.2. William Colby's 1975 testimony before the House Military Appropriations Subcommittee. -- pt.3. John Marks. -- pt.4. Bella Abzug. -- pt.5. Readings from a book by Philip Agee on his experiences with the CIA.