Montage of historically significant interviews, speeches and readings. Produced from materials found in the Pacifica Radio Archive.|ARCHIVE RESTORATION PROMO| Produced and narrated by Richard Mahler. - CONTENT: Montage of historically significant interviews, speeches and readings made from tapes contained within the Pacifica Radio Archives. pt.1. HUAC hearing in San Francisco/ Berkeley in 1960 pt.2. Mahler's introduction and background with Pacifica Radio pt.3. Interview with the Maharishi Maheshi Yogi, 1959 pt.4. Interview with Fidel Castro pt.5. Interview with Malvina Reynolds, 1969 pt.6. Interview with Steve Smith, volunteer in Viet Nam pt.7. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Santa Rita, 1968 pt.8. Interview with Norman Thomas, 1963 pt.9. Interview with Alfred Hitchcock,1964 pt.10. Newton Minow's vast wasteland TV speech pt.11. JFK news conference,1963 pt.12. Norman Mailer on existentialism, 1963 pt.13. Anais Nin reads her prose, 1960 pt.14. Interview with Carlos Fuentes pt.15. Interview with Andy Warhol, 1967 pt.16. Jack Keruac reads his prose pt.17. Madalyn Allen interview, 1961 pt.18. Interview with Doris Lessing pt.19.Comedy panel on Groucho Marx, etc. 1961 pt.20. Interview with Jerry Rubin and Phil Ochs, 1970 pt.21. Interview with Frank Loyd Wright, 1959 pt.22. Interview with Jean Renoir, 1962. - Broadcast date not listed.
Steve Smith : volunteer in Vietnam -- Martin Luther King Jr. at Santa Rita, 1968 -- Interview with Norman Thomas, 1963 -- HUAC hearing in San Francisco / Berkeley, 1960 -- Interview with Fidel Castro -- Interview with Maharishi Maheshe Yogi, 1959 -- Interview with Alfred Hitchcock, 1964 -- Norman Mailer on existentialism, 1963 -- Newton Minow's vast wasteland TV speech, 1963 -- J.F. Kennedy news conference, 1963 -- Steve Allen's "Meeting of the Minds" program, 1960 -- Interview with Malvina Reynolds, 1969 -- Jerry Rubin and Phil Ochs, 1970 -- Anais Nin reads her prose, 1960 -- Carlos Fuentes interview, 1962 -- Doris Lessing interview, 1977 -- TV comedy panel with Groucho Marx, George Fennemen, Steve Allen, 1961 -- Jack Kerouac reads his prose -- Madalyn Murry Ohair talks about why she is an atheist -- Andy Warhol interview, 1967 -- Frank Lloyd Wright interview, 1959.