Nurse; Breast Implant; De Klerk Resignation
(14 Minutes) Nurse Story of nurse Magalie Laurent who first reported the torture of Abner Louima. Louima was allegedly beaten and sodomized by NYPD officer. GUEST: Magalie Laurent, RN at Coney Island Hospital. (19 Minutes) Breast Implant Discussion of Dow Corning's $2.4 billion settlement offer to 400,000 claims resulting from faulty breast implants made by Dow Corning. GUEST: Ed Blizzard, atty. for the Tort Claimants Committee, representing 400,000 women claimants. GUEST: Elizabeth Price, assoc. prof. of law at Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University. (17 Minutes) De Klerk Resignation The last apartheid leader of South Africa, former President F. W. de Klerk, resigned yesterday as head of the National Party. GUEST: David Goodman, freelance journalist. GUEST: Sam Shaloya, general secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions known as COSATU.